Song of the Week: Big Baby Gandhi – “Other Jackets”

Big Baby Gandhi

The main reason I picked Big Baby Gandhi‘s “Other Jackets” as Song of the Week is simple. When it’s cold out (Like it is now), every time I see a woman outside with a small coat on (Most of the time with their arms folded) the line “You ain’t got no other jackets?” pops in my head. This recently happened and nobody I was with even knew of the song. That’s it.

As for Big Baby Gandhi, he had a little buzz off this song (I even wrote about it back in 2012) but still went on the retire. I see his name pop up on the Internet sometimes, most recently on a Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire mixtape, but as far as I know he’s still retired. Maybe that’s for the best; “Other Jackets” was the only song I ever liked by him. That beat is still hard though.